API methods and properties for the seliware API
Import the seliware API into your project.
Required to initialize the API before using any of the methods or properties.
You must initialize the API before using any of the methods or properties. It is recommended to call this function in the Main
function found in the Program.cs
Inject into the roblox process. This returns a string with the status of the injection. If the injection is successful, the return value will be Success
The process id of the roblox process you want to inject into. If not provided, it will inject into the first roblox process found.
Detect if injected
To detect if the API is injected, you can use the IsInjected
On Injection
Once the injection is successful, the Injected
event will be fired.
Execute a script in the roblox process.
The script you want to execute in the roblox process.
Misc Methods
Get Injected Processes
Get the count of all the roblox processes that the API is injected into.
Get Seliware Version
Get the version of the seliware API.